Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cool Game

Hey, y'all, this might be my last blog for months. I thought this game was pretty fun. The pictures might not be the best. I want the truth when you comment. It is fine if you say you don't like it.

This is the website. It will take a few minutes to load.


Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Little.
He had three brothers.
He told them about a carrot bush.
Then they all went to go get carrots.
One of the brothers said that carrot bushes don’t exist.
Then another one of his brothers found a new carrot bush.
They took all the carrots out and went home for dinner.
They ate all their carrots and were full.
The next morning, they wanted some carrots for breakfast.
They went to the bushes and there were five carrots left.
All of them thought the carrots grew magically.
It grew five carrots every day.
So every morning, the bunnies went to get carrots.
Until one day….
There was a big mean bunny named Josh from a different famly.
He ate all the carrots that were in the bush.
The bunnies were very sad.
Then the next morning, the bunnies went to get carrots and all of the carrots were gone.
They thought Josh ate them.

A long time ago, they found a big carrot and they called it the “King of the Carrots” and it was the god of the carrots or so they thought.
They asked the great god if he could make more carrots for them because they were sooooo hungry.
So the god said he will give them carrots if they gave hime a bunny tail.
If they did, they would have hundreds and hundreds of carrots.
The god said they can make carrot soup, carrot salad, carrot pie, carrot cake, and much more.
They were thinking of whose tail they were going to give.
Then they said “Let’s give Josh’s tail.”
They thought and thought about how to get his tail.
Then Daddy bunny came home with Mommy bunny.
Then all the boys told them about the carrots and mean old Josh.
Then Mommy bunny, Daddy bunny, and all the boys had a great idea.
All of them made a bunny trap and captured Josh’s tail.
Then they gave it to the great god of carrots and the god gave them hundreds and hundreds of carrots.
Then they made carrot soup, carrot salad, carrot pie, carrot cake, and much more.


P.S. I wrote this story and painted the picture.