Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood – Michael’s Version

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Robin Hood. Noooo…..her name was really Little Red Riding Hood. Her uncle was Robin Hood.

One day, she made chocolate chip cookies for her grandma. She had made three chocolate chip cookies the size of her face.

Later that day, she dropped two of her cookies in a bush because she was scared of something in the forest, and dropped the last one by a tree. It turns out that the thing she was afraid of was the big bad wolf. The wolf had killed a bird and left a bloody trail.

Little Red Riding Hood stuck her body inside a tree because she was frightened. Then she stuck her head out to see if the wolf was still there.

This tree had powers to get her to her grandma’s house by teleportation. So, off she went!

When she got to her grandma’s house, the grandma asked, “Why are you here!?!” She said, “I made you some chocolate chip cookies.” The grandma asked, “Where are they!?!” Little Red Riding Hood said, “The big bad wolf ate them.” Of course, the grandma could see through lies. So, the grandma was very angry. She said, “Little Red Riding Hood, tell me the truth. Where are my cookies!?!” Little Red Riding Hood said,” I dropped them in the forest.” The grandma was mad because she had no cookies to eat. Then they made chocolate chip cookies at grandma’s house.

The End