Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood – Michael’s Version

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Robin Hood. Noooo…..her name was really Little Red Riding Hood. Her uncle was Robin Hood.

One day, she made chocolate chip cookies for her grandma. She had made three chocolate chip cookies the size of her face.

Later that day, she dropped two of her cookies in a bush because she was scared of something in the forest, and dropped the last one by a tree. It turns out that the thing she was afraid of was the big bad wolf. The wolf had killed a bird and left a bloody trail.

Little Red Riding Hood stuck her body inside a tree because she was frightened. Then she stuck her head out to see if the wolf was still there.

This tree had powers to get her to her grandma’s house by teleportation. So, off she went!

When she got to her grandma’s house, the grandma asked, “Why are you here!?!” She said, “I made you some chocolate chip cookies.” The grandma asked, “Where are they!?!” Little Red Riding Hood said, “The big bad wolf ate them.” Of course, the grandma could see through lies. So, the grandma was very angry. She said, “Little Red Riding Hood, tell me the truth. Where are my cookies!?!” Little Red Riding Hood said,” I dropped them in the forest.” The grandma was mad because she had no cookies to eat. Then they made chocolate chip cookies at grandma’s house.

The End

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cool Game

Hey, y'all, this might be my last blog for months. I thought this game was pretty fun. The pictures might not be the best. I want the truth when you comment. It is fine if you say you don't like it.

This is the website. It will take a few minutes to load.


Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Little.
He had three brothers.
He told them about a carrot bush.
Then they all went to go get carrots.
One of the brothers said that carrot bushes don’t exist.
Then another one of his brothers found a new carrot bush.
They took all the carrots out and went home for dinner.
They ate all their carrots and were full.
The next morning, they wanted some carrots for breakfast.
They went to the bushes and there were five carrots left.
All of them thought the carrots grew magically.
It grew five carrots every day.
So every morning, the bunnies went to get carrots.
Until one day….
There was a big mean bunny named Josh from a different famly.
He ate all the carrots that were in the bush.
The bunnies were very sad.
Then the next morning, the bunnies went to get carrots and all of the carrots were gone.
They thought Josh ate them.

A long time ago, they found a big carrot and they called it the “King of the Carrots” and it was the god of the carrots or so they thought.
They asked the great god if he could make more carrots for them because they were sooooo hungry.
So the god said he will give them carrots if they gave hime a bunny tail.
If they did, they would have hundreds and hundreds of carrots.
The god said they can make carrot soup, carrot salad, carrot pie, carrot cake, and much more.
They were thinking of whose tail they were going to give.
Then they said “Let’s give Josh’s tail.”
They thought and thought about how to get his tail.
Then Daddy bunny came home with Mommy bunny.
Then all the boys told them about the carrots and mean old Josh.
Then Mommy bunny, Daddy bunny, and all the boys had a great idea.
All of them made a bunny trap and captured Josh’s tail.
Then they gave it to the great god of carrots and the god gave them hundreds and hundreds of carrots.
Then they made carrot soup, carrot salad, carrot pie, carrot cake, and much more.


P.S. I wrote this story and painted the picture.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Mini Clip

Mini clip is a website that has fun games. My favorite game is Club Penguin. First you chose the color that you want your penguin to be. After that you play. If you wait for about 30 days, then you can be a spy and a tour guide. You can play games to get coins. I have been a member before and it is very fun. I hope you will join soon.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Evony is an online medieval RPG (role playing game). You can build a cottage in your town. Your population stats can be stable, upward, or downward. It's bad when it moves downward. Because then you will have less population. You need population to make a lot of troops. Building troops is one of the ways you defend yourself. The other way is by upgrading your walls. I created my account a long time ago but never played. Now I play a lot. There are a lot of other things you can build in your town and city. The city is where you build farms --> food, sawmills --> lumber, quarries --> stone, and, last but not least, iron mines --> iron. You can attack computer or other online players.

Go to evony.com to start playing. If you need any help, just ask me or you can use the evonyteam on their website.

P.S. Adults can play also.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Yes, I am writing about vampires again. I have read and seen a lot of shows about vampires.

At night lock your doors. Don't invite a vampire in your house. It can't come in without an invitation.

2. Stab it in the heart with a sharp stake to kill it . I think you knew that.

3. It can't be in sunlight. I hope you knew that too.

P.S. If you have any questions just ask me.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Candy is very bad for you because it can give you cavities. I still eat candy but not that much. I like to chew gum. What kind do you like? I hate going to the dentist but I have to. He said, "Don't eat too much sweets." So, I drink water and eat vegetables. Do you eat a lot of candy or sweets?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I hope you know what a t-rex is. If you don't know, it's a dinosaur. I find t-rexes scary. How about you? I think they were nasty dinosaurs. I would not like to get in a fight with one of them. Do you think you could win? I think in the modern day we can win with guns and rockets. One thing I think to save yourself from one is to get in a corner and have the head not be able to touch you. I think this because the hands and arms are smaller then the head. Look at it...

Friday, May 28, 2010


There are many different types of dragons. I like red and black dragons that can shoot fire!!!! What is your favorite kind?

I tried to paint a dragon... but it was bad. Many say it is a mythical creature such as vampires, mermaids, and unicorns. What do you think?

A nice movie is "How To Train Your Dragon." I saw it. It was cool!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Painting is what I like to do for peace. I don't like to meditate or any of that stuff. But, painting takes a lot of concentration. I would like to thank my art teacher Vita. She tells us to fill the paper.

I have just finished a painting of Mona Lisa but with my sister's face on it. I do a lot of vampire paintings because i love what they can do. I will blog about vampires again some
other time. But, next time I will make it longer.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Violins are stringed musical instruments. There are four strings. Some strings are expensive and some violins are priceless. If you play it correctly, it makes a beautiful sound. I started using a 1/4 size and now I use a full size. It is not easy to play well. It's easier to play piano. The only reason I changed is because piano is boring. The bow is made out of horse hair and wood.
(The picture is my friend's violin that I play with.)


Tobacco is a plant from the colonial times. Dried tobacco is very smelly. Cigars and cigarettes are bad for your teeth, lungs and more. I hope you don't smoke. On the left are cigars and right are cigarettes. There is a difference between cigars and cigarettes. Cigarettes are smaller.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Chalazion is fat stuck in your eyelid. It is not an infection. I had a chalazion once. Here are signs to see if you might have one: lump on the eyelid, eyelid hurts when you touch it, sensitive to light, watery eyes, heavy eyelid.

There are many ways to get rid it. I tried using medicine. But, it did not work. I also put hot rocks and hot hard boiled eggs on it to try and get rid of it. But, that didn't work that well. So, I chose to have surgery. It hurt but I sucked it up. Now my eyelid is fine.

Photo: After surgery they put gauze on my eyelid.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Pokemon is an old TV show. You may have heard of them. There are cute ones and ugly ones. They have games for PSP , PS3, Wii, DS, and many more. Here is a cute Pokemon on the right. The point of the games are to go on a quest and battle, train, and more. They have action figures. I have a lot. They even have Pokemon cards.

Monday, May 10, 2010


What do you think when someone says "Rhinoceros"? When I think of rhinoceros, I think of big, strong animals. In the past, there was a rhinoceros called the woolly rhinoceros. They can grow up to six feet tall!!!!!! Their horns can be about three feet tall. In Asia, their horns are used for medicine. There is another kind of rhinoceros from the Ice Age time period called the Teleoceras.

They are vegetarians so they don't want to eat you. But, they are protective of their territory. So if you don't want to be attacked, get out of its range of smell and don't make any noise.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Today I am going to talk about kangaroos . When I think about kangaroos, I think of a boxer.
How about you?

Kangaroos are marsupials. They are the national symbol for Australia. They live about 4-6 years. The baby kangaroos are called joeys. If you would like to see a baby joey without fur and sucking its mom's milk in the pouch, then go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Joey_in_pouch.jpg. I read that some tribes in Australia stuff kangaroos and eat them. Also, I learned that only the male ones box.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Bakugan are some toys I have. They can be balls and then pop open. I find it cool. You collect then battle with friends. They have created games for the DS and Wii!!! Now they are making a free computer game.

Some are balls and some are weird shapes. They open up when the magnet inside touches a lot of iron.

These are all my Bakugan.

Do you have any?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


When I see a baby tiger I just want to hug it for a long time. But I know he could eat me. :(
They're mostly in Asia. Some people hunt tigers. Humans are not regular prey for tigers.

You may think all tigers are orange with black stripes and some white on the bottom. But some are black and white!!!!!!!!!! Males weigh from 330–420 lbs. while females are smaller at 240–310 lbs. Tigers are excellent swimmers and can swim up to 4 miles. Most tigers have 100 stripes!!!!!

Protect your neck with a hard pad because they like to bite the back of the neck. You can also try wearing a mask on the back of your head because they like to attack from behind.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Panda bears are very cute but strong creatures. The giant panda belongs to the carnivore family but 99% of the time it eats bamboo. Other parts of its diet is honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas. Most of them live in China. Some times like the polar bears, they may attack humans.

The Giant Panda can usually live to be 25–30 years old. The Giant Panda has a black-and-white coat. Males are 10–20% larger than females.

Here is a man who got attacked by a panda bear!!!!!

I could not find anything about how you can protect yourself from a panda attack because no one knows. I think you shouldn't go into a zoo cage with a panda if you don't want to get injured. Zookeepers put them to sleep before going in.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Polar bears can live up to 14 years. About 500 bears are killed each year by humans across Canada. They can smell a seal up to a mile away. It can bury himself 3 feet deep. Fat polar bears rarely attack humans. Hungry polar bears are extremely unpredictable and are known to kill and sometimes eat humans. Dating and mating take place on the sea ice in April and May, when polar bears hang out together in the best seal hunting areas.

To avoid being eaten or injured by a polar bear, try to stick in big groups and make lots of noise. Avoid polar bear dens, tracks, dropping, and dead seals. Try not to be smelly and stay upwind. BE ALERT!

If you are attacked, pretend to be dead and curl up into a ball to protect your head and neck!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


As you can see, there are alligators in the picture. This is the way to protect yourself from one. First, you should run in zig zag motion. If you smell a bad smell then jump on its back and close the jaw. Because its weak this way. Poke it in the eye like the shark.
They're only in the US and CHINA . I saw them in the Everglades when I was younger. I also ate alligator.


OMG, sharks!!!!! They give me the creeps. Did you know a shark will not eat you?

Out of 400 types of sharks, there are only 5 that will eat you. The great white, tiger, hammerhead, bull, and mako sharks. So, if you bump into one that will eat you, this is what you should do. Do not move if he comes to you. There are three places to hit it like a bully 1. hit him in the nose 2.poke the eye 3.brush the gill. BUT THE WORST THING IS TO BLEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I hope you will still go in the water if you read this.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Vampires are my favorite mythical creatures. They can bite people and make them vampires.