Thursday, May 13, 2010


Chalazion is fat stuck in your eyelid. It is not an infection. I had a chalazion once. Here are signs to see if you might have one: lump on the eyelid, eyelid hurts when you touch it, sensitive to light, watery eyes, heavy eyelid.

There are many ways to get rid it. I tried using medicine. But, it did not work. I also put hot rocks and hot hard boiled eggs on it to try and get rid of it. But, that didn't work that well. So, I chose to have surgery. It hurt but I sucked it up. Now my eyelid is fine.

Photo: After surgery they put gauze on my eyelid.


Angel said...

You are very brave.

Melissa (Melgurl) said...

I remember you telling me about this.How old were you when it happened.

Jo Ann said...

I remember this too, I had never heard of it until you got this. You were very, very brave.

Unknown said...

This was in January 2010 when he was 9 years old.

Homeschooled Kid said...

I remember this too,you told me about it once a Vita's art class ;) You are very brave, I had a different surgery and was very scared :(

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, what a beast!