Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I don't know how many of you watch "Walking Dead", but it is a good zombie show.
If you have a question about zombies, I will try to respond.

Zombies are mindless ugly "beasts" that want to eat your brain and flesh! Most of you would pick a gun as a weapon or some lethal weapon. I have some good and bad news on what you might pick. If you pick a gun, while there is a zombie apocalypse going on, no one is making any ammo for you to use. If you pick a melee weapon, it could get stuck in the zombie or if you miss, the zombie can bite/claw you. Here is something that I hope you remember during a battle with a zombie,
1. Aim for the head (brain) and
2. Don't just hit them once, hit them again just in case to make sure they are dead.

Now, the real question is "Do you believe in zombies?"; and if you do, will you kill yourself because you don't want to live in a world with zombies?

P.S. What weapon or plan will you have if all this is true?


Chloe said...

I belive in zombies, but in some ways they have the advantages, some people say that they CAN'T die because they are all dead. I would use a crobar so i can smash thier all-ready-dead skulls in half! I would go into the water because I would have the advantage, because they are poor walkers, and i would drown them. Then smash thier skulls, just for affect. :-)

Unknown said...

I don't believe in zombies so I haven't been preparing for the zombie apocalypse. If for some weird reason there really are zombies and they are taking over the world, just kill me before they get to me.

Question, do zombies know how to swim? Would I be safe on a remote island?

Sky said...

Loved the blog! I made up some stories on these creepy things myself!

I probably don't believe in zombies though, unless I see one walking down the street. I like machine guns and something sturdy incase I have to make close contact with them.

I heard that you could make underground bunkers. Of course, if there are a gang of zombies, they could probably dig you out, so not a good idea.