Friday, April 30, 2010


Polar bears can live up to 14 years. About 500 bears are killed each year by humans across Canada. They can smell a seal up to a mile away. It can bury himself 3 feet deep. Fat polar bears rarely attack humans. Hungry polar bears are extremely unpredictable and are known to kill and sometimes eat humans. Dating and mating take place on the sea ice in April and May, when polar bears hang out together in the best seal hunting areas.

To avoid being eaten or injured by a polar bear, try to stick in big groups and make lots of noise. Avoid polar bear dens, tracks, dropping, and dead seals. Try not to be smelly and stay upwind. BE ALERT!

If you are attacked, pretend to be dead and curl up into a ball to protect your head and neck!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


As you can see, there are alligators in the picture. This is the way to protect yourself from one. First, you should run in zig zag motion. If you smell a bad smell then jump on its back and close the jaw. Because its weak this way. Poke it in the eye like the shark.
They're only in the US and CHINA . I saw them in the Everglades when I was younger. I also ate alligator.


OMG, sharks!!!!! They give me the creeps. Did you know a shark will not eat you?

Out of 400 types of sharks, there are only 5 that will eat you. The great white, tiger, hammerhead, bull, and mako sharks. So, if you bump into one that will eat you, this is what you should do. Do not move if he comes to you. There are three places to hit it like a bully 1. hit him in the nose 2.poke the eye 3.brush the gill. BUT THE WORST THING IS TO BLEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I hope you will still go in the water if you read this.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Vampires are my favorite mythical creatures. They can bite people and make them vampires.