Thursday, April 29, 2010


As you can see, there are alligators in the picture. This is the way to protect yourself from one. First, you should run in zig zag motion. If you smell a bad smell then jump on its back and close the jaw. Because its weak this way. Poke it in the eye like the shark.
They're only in the US and CHINA . I saw them in the Everglades when I was younger. I also ate alligator.


marlene said...

I want to thank you for letting your readers know how to protect themselves from dangerous animals. I look forward to each of your posts :)

Angel said...

How do alligators taste?

Melissa (Melgurl) said...
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Melissa (Melgurl) said...

Alligators are the scariest animal ever.

Unknown said...

Fried alligator tastes like fried chicken but bonier.

Homeschooled Kid said...

My mom tried to make me eat it when we were in Florida.We saw an alligator in a pond staring at a Red Ear slider(a turtle) and another Red Ear Slider was hiding behinde the alligator but we did not see a single alligator roaming around on land :)

With lots of alligators,

Chloe <3